Questions & Answers

Midi Feedback from CC Lanes

+2 votes
asked Dec 26, 2023 in Studio One 6 by viswachakravarthy (2,940 points)

Motorized faders should receive current value from CC lane of the selected track and update position of the faders accordingly.

will be very good for keeping track of modulation, expression, and volume CCs

In some posts, they say it's not possible because in the protocol, fader position is not sent. 

Someone did it on Cubase with 3rd party software: Dennis Braunsdorf - Motorized Faders Follow MIDI CC - YouTube

Some hybrid setup including the current implementation of learned controllers (in the device page) and midi cc output from selected track could work.

The learned controllers no longer work as instrument CC inputs, but they work for focus and global links. (Including reposition of faders when changing plugins (transmit value) so its technically should be possible (even if the controller is in midi mode)

Perhaps, the learned controllers pass through midi into the instrument, when the track is playing/recording studio one can send midi back to the device (using the same way "transmit option" works now)

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jul 10 by hangzhang (360 points)

I managed to make my motorized fader following MIDI channel 1's CC1 in Studio One by going through:

1. The Bome MIDI translation setup in the same way as the video mentioned above (3 translators: Hardware `E0 pp qq` to Studio One `B0 01 qq` + Hardware `E0 pp qq` to hardware `E0 pp qq` + Studio One `B0 01 qq` to hardware `E0 pp qq`).

2. Added a keyboard in Studio One that both receives from and sends to the Bome MIDI Translator.

3. On the "Console - External Devices - Edit..." page, MIDI-learned the hardware fader to a controller and right-click enabled "Transmit value".

4. On the top-right "Edit Mapping" option of the Instrument Editor, enabled the Bome keyboard, and assigned the controller to CC1 (I could just move the hardware fader to assign it since the most recently used parameters in my case are somehow all CC1).

5. Repeat the step 4 for all my instrument tracks (which is an extreme waste of time since I have 70+ instrument tracks).

And I don't really like this entire workflow! Hopefully we could have some more out-of-the-box experience on sending CC data to external devices in the future.

