Questions & Answers

stereo link of mixer channels leads to mono signal on stereo aux

0 votes
asked Mar 4 in StudioLive Series III by christianwistl (370 points)
Hi @all :-)

I have a Presonus Studio Live Series III 32R which I control via my MAC/iPad.

I have a stereo track on channel 21/22 which I want to hear in stereo on my inear system.

Therefore I created a stereo linked aux channel and connected them to the iem system.


- if I activate the linking of ch. 21/22 --> signal on my inear is mono

- if I don't link the channels an do manual panning (ch. 21 --> left, ch. 22 --> right) ---> signal on my inear is correctly mono

Can anyone explain this behaviour? What I´m doing wrong. Is there an option to configure that behaviour? Can't find an option.

Thx :-)

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Mar 11 by robertweston2 (10,480 points)
selected Mar 13 by mackjohnson1
Best answer
From your question, looks like the setup is working as designed.  You may want to try NOT linking the AUX outputs, but linking just the inputs, which looks like you already are.

Looks like you are indicating both setups are working correctly.  You mention linking the aux outputs,  Is your IEM system setup for stereo or mono?  What is your question?