Questions & Answers

Has Presonus fixed the MIDI Aftertouch bug in Studio One and, if not, do they plan to?

+10 votes
asked Jun 9, 2016 in Studio One 3 by jasonhunsinger (220 points)
This is a follow up to my previously asked question.  I am running Studio One 3 Artist with the VST plug-in patch.  The aftertouch command (cymbal choke) will not/never did work with my Roland TD-15KV v-drums using Addictive Drums 1 or 2 in Studio One.  It works fine outside of the DAW.  I was told, last year, PreSonus was "...working on solution".  Has one been developed?  More importantly, if there is no solution to date, do you ever intend on fixing this bug?  This has been an ongoing frustration, for some of us users, for quite some time.  Because, If there are no plans to rectify this problem, it's time to "man up" and admit it so that those of us affected can take our financial "lumps" and move onto a product which doesn't contain this flaw.  The list of songs I cannot record in Studio One grows by the month.  Thank you for your time.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 9, 2016 by DominicB (17,160 points)
Midi Aftertouch does currently work in Studio One 3.2.3. I've tried this using a keyboard which has midi Aftertouch (NI Komplete S61 Keyboard) and EZ Drummer. I am able to choke cymbals using midi Aftertouch as expected.

Please make sure in the "External Devices" menu you do not have "Filter Aftertouch" checked. If so, please uncheck so that the Midi Aftertouch messages are transmitted to your plugin.

You can also check the Studio One Midi monitor to make sure that your device is sending the Aftertouch messages in Studio One.
0 votes
answered Jun 9, 2016 by niles (54,670 points)

DominicB, I think jasonhunsinger refers Polyphonic Key Pressure messages (Polyphonic Aftertouch). Studio One is able to receive those and pass them through to the instrument. However it is and never was possible to actually record Polyphonic Key Pressure messages to Instrument tracks.

@ jasonhunsinger there's a feature request for it here: Will Studio One support polyphonic aftertouch?

–1 vote
answered Jun 6, 2017 by kevincollins1 (920 points)

I was able to make this work in 3.5 and 3.3.4

Set your MIDI device to use channel 1 and make sure all filter selections are clear in the midi setup for your device.

I'm using Roland TD-11 and AD2 and Aftertouch is now making it back and cymbals are choked properly
