Questions & Answers

Please enable Start Minimized (to system try) option for Universal Control on Windows

+4 votes
asked Aug 4, 2016 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by Delicieuxz (200 points)
recategorized Aug 6, 2016 by AlexTinsley
I'd like to have the option for Universal Control to run at startup, but to start minimized to the system tray, as is typical for applications and drivers.

Without the option to start with Windows, minimized, Universal Control window always pops up in the middle of my screen each time Windows starts, and so I have to manually minimize it to the system tray every time Windows starts. If each application and driver program that I have automatically running at startup did the same as Universal Control, I'd have to minimize 11 different programs before I could see my desktop. But pretty much all startup applications and drivers either have an option for them to minimize to the system tray upon startup, or they simply minimize to the system tray by default, and without option otherwise. Universal Control seems to be the one exception among all the programs I have running at startup on my PC.

I'd ideally like to have this same conventional startup behaviour as an option for Universal Control, and I hope that it will be considered for a future release of the application.

1 Answer

+2 votes
answered Aug 6, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
selected Jun 25, 2018 by benpierce
Best answer
That's a great suggestion.

I have submitted it for review by the developers for possible implementation in a future release.

If anyone else agrees, please vote this up.