Questions & Answers

Studiolive 32 Series III for 5.1 mixing

+6 votes
asked Aug 9, 2017 in StudioLive Series III by productienir (230 points)

I want to buy a Studiolive 32 Series III to use it on some surround mixing projects and somethimes for events recording. The question: is it possible to use it as an audio interface (on PC) and do my surround mixing projects (5.1 / 7.1) ? And the second question: after the firmware update, will I have DAW Control on a PC?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 21, 2022 by kevinstansberry (190 points)

Ok let me break this down on how this is setup and what I have going. I have a 7.1 mixing setup on the StudioLive 32S Series 3 using ProTools Ultimate. My computer is a Mac Studio M1 Base. I am using the AVB method for audio.


  1. An ethernet cable from the Mac Studio to the AVB port on the SL32S (You need to use WiFi to get internet since the ethernet port on the Studio is using the SL32S for DNS).
  2. An ethernet cable from the internet port on the SL32S for connection to you LAN and the internet.
  3. Using Mix outputs for feeding sound to the speakers (You need to stereo link Mix 1/2,5/6,7/8):
    • Mix 1/2 = Front Left & Right
    • Mix 3 = Center
    • Mix 4 = LFE/Sub
    • Mix 5/6 = Left & Right Side Surround
    • Mix 7/8 = Left & Right Rear Surround
  4. Click on the Mix/FX Button on the SL32S and select the network symbol for each mix outputs input source (You also need to select the AVB channel you want to feed into the Mix output, "AVB 1/2 to Mix Output 1/2". You can also do all of this routing in the Digital Patching Menu utilizing the control app for the console.
  6. Go into the App Launcher and open the Utility's icon then select "Audio MIDI Setup"
  7. Click on the the SL32S name, (It will be called "Studio Live 32S: Audio Unit 0")
  8. Under both "Input" and "Output" tabs, select the first stream ("Channel 1+Channel 2+", etc...)
  9. On the bottom right hand side of the window, select "Configure Speakers" 
  10. Configure your speakers as follows:
Doing this will allow you to play back 7.1 Surround Sound stems from QuickTime as the Music app won't play them back. All other audio like web browser and such will playback on Stereo only using Mix Output 1/2. 
In Pro Tools, well that's a whole different ball game stay tuned for my YouTube vloigs next week on that. I will be covering the hardware connections too.