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Melodyne Bug after rendered FX Chain

+2 votes
asked Nov 26, 2017 in Studio One by renestopper (230 points)

Presonus latest Studio One Professional 3.5.2 - Critical BUG with Melodyne ARA Interface

pitch correct audio track with melodyne, render fx chain, save song, reopen song, change from rendered in edit state (click on Edit (Bearbeiten) button within the fx chain, double click on audio event, meldoyne opens but is empty.

this is really frustrating. 

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2017 by renestopper (230 points)
i started a new song, tried it again and now - when i try to edit my melodyne saved and rendered fx again - studio one 3.5.2 crashes every time when its trying to load melodyne to work on my pitching.

0 votes
answered Nov 27, 2017 by diapasonprodues (2,560 points)
I've had similar unexpected behaviors from melodyne on ARA when trying to restore a rendered Event FX. Including crash or simply nothing showing on melodyne. What I do is if I ever want to render a melodyne Event FX I will save the song as a version (File>save new version) and keep that as a backup if I ever want to go back and change something then render it again.
0 votes
answered Nov 27, 2017 by renestopper (230 points)
there is another workaround, which i found out yesterday..

in case s1 does not crash and melodyne is empty, just click the render button and edit button again, double click on the event and voila, the melodyne track is restored. BUT it is not a behavior which i prefer. and when S1 crashes it is not working.

perhaps presonus will deliver a working update in the near future.