Questions & Answers

Select Tracks, but not Audio Events

+3 votes
asked Oct 19, 2018 in FaderPort Series Feature Requests by Daw Stew (12,600 points)
This one has me bamboozled and unfortunately leaves me reaching for the QWERTY keyboard.

Example, Track A kick drum has an audio event as does Track B snare drum. I hit the Select key on the Faderport on the Kick track, in Studio One i can see the Kick track is now highlighted, opening the Inspector shows that i'm on the kick track, I make some event gain edits via the Inspector panel. All good, the audio event has been reduced -3db.

Now lets say i also want to reduce the event gain of the snare drum on Track B, you would think that by hitting the snare drum Select button on the Faderport would then select the snare and its associated audio events. Wrong, it doesnt, it selects the Snare track but the audio event selected is of the previous track,the kick drum, meaning that its easy to make an edit thinking you've altered the snare audio but in fact you are still altering the kick drum event.

Please update the faderport so that Selecting any track also selects the audio event.