Questions & Answers

Quantum major static/crackles Win10

+5 votes
asked Dec 29, 2018 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by gradyleno (260 points)
edited Dec 30, 2018 by gradyleno

***UPDATE 12/30***
I have an HP laptop with TB and the Quantum works fine there.  This seems to be a specific issue with the Lenovo I know the Quantum, cable, and adapter are good.  


Having major sound quality issues with the new Quantum.  Windows system sounds are crackling/popping on playback with zero other software running and near zero CPU load.  Youtube playback is initially crystal clear then after 20 seconds gets major crackles/pops.  Same behavior over mains and headphone output.  Took buffer to 2048, no change.  Changed process priority for TB and UC to High and Realtime, no change.

Coming from a Scarlet 6i6 2nd Gen USB which ran with no issues on the same system.  DPC latencymon is amazing (all green, no issues) and was running great via USB. I needed more I/O hence the upgrade to Quantum. 

New install of Quantum TB interface.  Updated Win10, TB firmware, TB drivers, and latest Presonus Quantum software/drivers.  Nothing else has been installed on the computer software-wise other than Ableton 10.  Strictly audio PC usage.  Not sure if its the Lenovo TB implementation, the Quantum hardware, my Startech adapter, or some other config.  I running about as pure Win10 install as one can get.

Lenovo P52
Windows 10
Thunderbolt v17.4.78.21
Startech Adapter TBT3TBTADAP

10 Answers

–1 vote
answered May 29, 2019 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer

Windows 10 1809 (OS Build 17763.437) released Nov 13, 2018 introduced an update for Intel I-Series CPU systems that alters Processor Idle Policy Settings / Processor C-States. This power management feature can introduce latency between processor cores that has can have an impact on system audio and real-time audio functions to manifest with an audible pops and clicks.

C-States are designed to be disabled if needed. In this happening in your system we recommend disabling them. By using a free utility from RightMark to disable / re-enable C-States, you can access power profile options not found in the standard Windows interface to create a custom power management profile in your Windows system. 

For steps on how to turn off C-States and resolve this issue for your system please read this Knowledge Base Article:

asked Dec 14, 2020 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by timothypayne3 (160 points) Same issue not resolved
+1 vote
answered Jan 11, 2019 by gostudiosgostudios (210 points)
I am having same issues with my Dell XPS G7 8577. Did you have any luck solving the problem? I think it is a hardware issue in my case as I have done same process as you as well as checked cables. everything is working until I add the Quantum in to monitor sound. I get static and eventually it turns to a faint fuzz followed by complete drop out. Funny when I monitor through the computers Realteck sound card I have a crystal clear sound but as soon as I switch to Quantum all playback is distorted. As for now I am stumped and have 28 days to figure out the problem. Need Help.
+1 vote
answered Jan 14, 2019 by gradyleno (260 points)
I was unable to resolve and returned the Quantum back to the retailer.  I believe my problem was specific to my laptop model, as the cable/adapter/quantum combo worked fine on another computer.  Unfortunately it just didn't work on *my* computer.  Presonus, retailer, and Lenovo support all took a crack at it to no avail.
+1 vote
answered Jan 23, 2019 by blakelanglinais (170 points)
I've been using exactly this configuration, a thinkpad P52 with the Presonus Quantum through thunderbolt and I DID experience some of the issues you stated, but after some configuration and reboots it went away. I think what may be causing it is that some daws interact with the drivers in different ways and it could be that the sample rate isn't set to what the audio drivers think they are...

Anyway I've been using it for a couple of hours without any issue at all, just pristine audio at unbelievably low latency (I think I've seen it go down to 1.5ms, WOW.) It's my first day with the interface though so I'll let you know if I have any issues down the road.

If it helps any future audio geeks looking to use a thinkpad for their studio the last thing I updated on the computer was the intel power management firmware through Lenovo Vantage. But I honestly think it was just a case of rebooting and letting the drivers initialize properly. Who really knows though.....
–1 vote
answered Jan 29, 2019 by ionion (490 points)

I am having same issues with my Hp ELiteBook 830 G5.. Hey Presonus ask on this questions , this is a problem !
But , on Pc with  
motherboard GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 work perfectly . 

Hey may be make a update on this Presonus Quantum Interface , to work good on the laptop with thunderbolt ??

0 votes
answered May 11, 2019 by martinmacek (140 points)
I have the same problems on a brand new quantum 2. There must be something on the quantum conversion that does not get straight.

My case is on a custom desktop: Z370XP-SLI+Alpine-Ridge, 8700K, 32G, dedicated video card + apple thunderbolt adapters.

Firmwares are all latest as of early May 2019.. The hardware works fine, but all audio produces noise or crackles: Youtube, Spotify and of course Sonar output.

As strange I've noted that by changing the Universal Control Clock source from Internal to something else, then back to Internal, the crackling will reduce at least for windows sounds youtube and spotify.

Strongly considering returning the card to the retailer.
0 votes
answered May 22, 2019 by williamklein1 (140 points)
I'm having the exact same problems on a Dell XPS 15 9570. Very frustrating. Unusable in this state.
0 votes
answered May 24, 2019 by hugolopez4 (220 points)
I was having similar issues with my Dell XPS 15 9570. I found that downgrading my systems BIOS resolved the issue. Currently running 1.08 Bios for my dell laptop. Hope this helps someone!
0 votes
answered May 28, 2020 by andrewbray3 (150 points)
I tried the C-States approach as per the preferred answer. It was easy to do and it worked 100%. Thanks!

Dell XPS 13 9360
Quantum 2626
0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2022 by evertschut (180 points)
I've had my quantum 2626 for almost 2 years now and used it on my 10th gen windows I5 computer with Thunderbolt on the motherboard (there's only one or two motherboards that support Thunderbolt 3, I think mine's a Z360 XP as well if I remember rightly). And it worked great! Extremly low latency at low bit rates, no crackles and pops. It could easily handle a  full mix with quite a few CPU hungry plugins.

Until recently....... For no apparent reason I got huge latency issues. There's no way I can still run a full mix. Even one track with a guitar amp sim is enough to introduce crackles and pops.

I tried the C method as described above. It helped a little bit (less crackles and pops), but still nothing near the performance it had before. So what can have gone wrong? I only use the desktop as an audio workstation. The only causes I can think of would be:

1. Windows update (my previous set-up had this problem with a Focusrite firewire interface)

2. Reaper update (my DAW)

3. Update of Presonus drivers (I did try that but only after I started having problems)

4. Some other software (de)installation or update: maybe plugins or my AVG virus software?  I had a full suite of protection software and decided to ditch part of it. But it keeps on popping up asking me to renew my conscriptionwarning me of all sorts of threats. Could that be a cause?

I can't run a studio (even if it isn't professional) with this set up.

Any suggestions are welcome.