Questions & Answers

How do I get Notion 6 to recognize my Midi/USB keyboard?

+1 vote
asked Feb 9, 2019 in Notion by Mike Allen (260 points)
What are the steps to use my midi/usb keyboard in Notion 6? I've entered step mode, looked at the preferences. I have both an M-Audio Keystation Mini32 and a M-Audio Axiom. Neither one seems to work.

4 Answers

+1 vote
answered Mar 24, 2019 by felixpieber1 (220 points)
I don't know if this is still a relevant question, but as I have a MPK Mini, all I did was opening the settings in the file-menu (where you can set up your MIDI controller) and if your controller is connected to your PC, in most cases it is set as 'input' automatically, otherwise you have to do it manually. Also make sure to set your controller as output (A,B,C and D). With that done, your controller should now work with notion.

But the next time you open notion, it probably won't work. So this is what you should do then: Open the MIDI-settings again and even if your controller is set as input, change the input to something else (none), close the settings-menu, open it again and change the input to your controller again.

I have no idea why Notion acts like this and I hope that they'll change it in the future.
+1 vote
answered Jul 24, 2019 by andrewbailey2 (460 points)
I have the same issue but seem to have a manual fix

Alesis Q88 midi controller keyboard (USB Midi)

I tried the recommended steps of setting midi In to All as well as locating and deleting any com.notionmusic files in Mac Library, this didn't work

So I tried unplugging the USB Midi controller, opened Notion, plugged in the Midi keyboard USB controller and it works.
The pain is that I have to do this every time I want to use Notion

Any other ideas out there?

+2 votes
answered Jul 8, 2020 by cedrickivits (250 points)
You guys are hero's! I have the M-audio key station 49e, just for editing midi in notion 6. Most of the times my keyboard doesn't get recognised by notion. But when I unplug the keyboard, open notion, replug the keyboard, put my midi settings on 'none' and then change it to my keyboard, it works :).

So that's a mix of the 2 comments you guys gave. Thanks a lot! Finally going to dive deep into the great Notion 6! B-).
0 votes
answered May 26, 2022 by lisashaw (160 points)
Thank you cedrickivits- absolutely not an intuitive fix but your sequence worked for me as well -using Nord Stage piano as midi into Scarlett 4i4 interface.  Sometimes Notion works fine, other days....