Questions & Answers

USB 96, Studio one V4. "Please check hardware"

+1 vote
asked Apr 1, 2019 in AudioBox USB by timothyruston (260 points)
I have tried the latest and even the most previous driver for the usb 96. Upon start up everything works fine, but within 10 minutes my computer loses track of the USB 96 and studio one gives me the error "The audio device AUDIOBOX has failed to start correctly before. Do you want to try it again?" after hitting yes i get the error "The audio device AUDIOBOX could not be initialized. Please check your hardware configuration and try again."

Under windows settings the audio box does not appear. I have spent multiple hours already making sure the drivers were installed correctly and have tried unplugging it and plugging it back in, restarting my computer and all that. Currently i am extremely disappointed with this.

HP ENVY 17.3 touch, i7, 12GB RAM, Windows 10 (up to date)

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered Apr 5, 2019 by dougmiller7 (130 points)
Hi, I had the same problem hooking up a new audio box. I put it in a USB3 port and that fixed the issue.

asked Apr 5, 2019 in AudioBox USB by timothyruston (260 points) Any other suggestions?