Questions & Answers

when I "Unlock" my mixer universal control surface never works

0 votes
asked Jan 25, 2016 in Ai Mixers by mfcool (170 points)
I have a presonus 32.4.2 and the older universal control works fine but when i try to use the new universal control, i'm locked out. I checked for firmware updates and i put in a code that seemed to unlock it "12345". It lets me see levels but its locked where i can't change anything.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 25, 2016 by abrand2 (32,110 points)
Best answer

I would suggest seeing this article below about your mixer and connectivity.  Note that UC Surface requires the latest firmware update in order to work correctly.

When using UC Surface with my StudioLive XX.4.2 AI, why is my screen "greyed out?"
