Questions & Answers

studio 24c shows levels moving but i have no sound from studio one 4, even though pc sounds come through

0 votes
asked Apr 18, 2020 in Studio One 4 by christopherbreton (220 points)
just bought studio 24c interface.  installed all drivers, twice.  i can see the faders and levels moving showing sound is being picked up, but nothing is coming out of the computer speakers or headphones.  I can however hear anything else (other apps, youtube etc.).

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 18, 2020 by christophermiller12 (140 points)
I am having the se problem and can’t seem to find a fix. Very frustrating.
+1 vote
answered Apr 18, 2020 by christopherbreton (220 points)
So I figured it out... The mixer knob on the studio 24c.  To hear playback you have to turn it to playback lol. I spent hours on forums and Facebook groups. Someone finally mentioned it. I had no idea lol
+1 vote
answered Mar 2, 2021 by jeffreywiegley (160 points)
Nope. Not the solution for me. I'm had the same problem. Meters show input. Recordings get no sound. Playback through the device doesn't get anything produced in the headphones. I'm not an idiot; knobs and switches are in the correct positions and multiple positions tried.

The problem is USB-C ports. Don't use them for these XLR/USB interfaces. Get yourself a USB-C to USB-A cable and just plug it into a standard USB-A 2.0 connector. This Studio 24C does work with an ASMedia-based PCI-E card with a USB-C port but does not work with the USB-C built into the motherboard based on the AMD X570 chipset. My Scarlett 2i2 is worse and won't work with either controller's USB-C ports correctly. Very fresh, clean OS installs with fully updated windows-10, newest BIOS and newest chipset/device drivers. USB-C is unreliable garbage for these devices apparently. Just abandon it and use USB-A.
0 votes
answered May 17, 2021 by seanspiro (150 points)
jeffreywiegley figured it out.  Now that I have changed from the USB-C cable to the USB-A cable my headphone jack is working perfectly.  Thank you Jeffrey!!