Questions & Answers

API to turn on a remote "RECORDING" light

+7 votes
asked May 12, 2020 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by Susan (210 points)

Hi. I recently switched from ProTools to Studio One. For ProTools, we created a "RECORDING" light that turns on and off when ProTools goes into and out of recording mode. We want to move this to Studio One. Can you provide an API (REST is best, but a callback would work) that reports when StudioOne is in recording mode? I don't see a way to access this through the "pslextensions" APIs.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 19, 2020 by rosscrawford (880 points)

I know it's not exactly what you're asking, but Punchlight make devices that work with several DAWs including PT & S1. I have one and it works great! Uses the HUI or Mackie protocol to intercept the transport controls.

0 votes
answered Jan 10, 2021 by duncanmcgreggor (700 points)

This would be part of a larger API feature; OSC (either UDP or TCP) is a common basis for DAW APIs. Currently, the most-viewed, highest-voted feature request for OSC in Studio One is here:

There is also a feature request for general REST + OSC support here.