Questions & Answers

audiobox usb 96 input 1 stopped working

+2 votes
asked May 22, 2020 in AudioBox USB by rileyscott-tarter (140 points)
I got my AudioBox USB about a week ago and today the input 1 just stopped working i only get the pop sound when i plug it in other than that it just doesn't work I've looked at everything and nothing helped I put the volume on it at max and I play and I get no clip light so clearly not a software issue I've never dropped it or anything please help

9 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 29, 2020 by MlleCo (160 points)
Hi, i have the same problem.

The output works perfecly (i plugged headphones). i heard my metronome and some virtual keyboards.

But i can't record anything (from microphone or guitar). They is no signal at all. My cables are ok, i checked, The volumes on the audiobox are ok too.

I really don't interstand.

If someone can help me it would be great (sorry for my english, i'm french.

+1 vote
answered Jun 8, 2020 by jakobluz (160 points)
I`ve got exactly the same problem!
Bought my new Audio Box USB 96 in May.
It worked without problems for about a week.

But suddenly there wasn't a sound signal anymore. Since then it doesn't work.

If someone can help me it would be great

+1 vote
answered Sep 1, 2020 by lisadale (190 points)
I am also experiencing this... has no one from Presonus answered?
+1 vote
answered Sep 4, 2020 by joaquingonzalez3 (160 points)
Same problem here... My two channels aren't working. If anyone can help ill be so grateful.
+2 votes
answered Dec 13, 2020 by iruyle (230 points)
Same here. I had one unit for a year or so and lost input 1. Switched to 2 and used that one for a few months before it died too. Picked up the same unit used from a guy on a local listing and within two months input 1 died on that one as well. I got input 2 to work for about another year and a half and it died today. I will not be going back to out of the box. The low price tag is quickly offset by the inconvenience of having to replace the thing so often.
+2 votes
answered Dec 25, 2020 by wesleyteal (190 points)
Same here lost input1 input 2 ok for now ,only used a few times switch out mic and cables this must be a known issue
+1 vote
answered Jan 2, 2021 by matthewselz (180 points)
Just lost input 1 after only 3 weeks... set it up once and hasn’t moved or been hooked up any other way. Has anyone gotten an answer? This seems to be a recurring issue. Is there any kind of fix or am I just S.O.L.?
0 votes
answered Dec 13, 2022 by robsonazevedo (140 points)
Estou com mesmo problema, já abri um ticket com a própria presonus, os caras vasculharam o Pc via acesso remoto, nada de achar o problema.

Não tem sinal algum vindo dos inputs, mas os outputs, inclusive o fone, funcionam normal com qualquer programa no notebook (youtube, Audacity e demais DAW's).

Tudo que vcs imaginarem de software eu ja fiz, reinstalei o universal control, atualizei firmware, habilitei as permissoes de microfone, e nada da interface funcionar. Pior que comprei porque me indicaram que era de qualidade excelente, agora to sem equipamento pra trabalhar.

Alguém conseguiu resolver ou pode indicar um caminho?
0 votes
answered May 4 by LiyasakhaTyhoba (140 points)
I have two Audiobox 96s, I bought one in 2020, the 1st input died within a week, I got another one earlier this year, guess what, within 3 weeks of use, input 2 tapped out. What is the problem and how does one solve it?