Questions & Answers

Studio one V5 Still Crashing

+23 votes
asked Jul 29, 2020 in Studio One 5 by matthewforeman2 (270 points)
edited Jul 29, 2020 by matthewforeman2
Daw still often crashes, Song data is almost always recovered though

19 Answers

–3 votes
answered Jul 30, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer
In each instance where support team investigated these issues, old plug-ins were the culprit.

Contact the plug-in vendors to get updated versions of plug-ins.

Remove J-Bridge if it's installed.

Remove any 32-bit versions.

If you're still having issues, contact support
+1 vote
answered Jul 29, 2020 by kozmyk (3,020 points)
Me too. Just now.
That's the third time this week.
V4 maybe Once.

4.2 GHz i7 3770K 32GB RAM
+6 votes
answered Jul 29, 2020 by Phil Buckle (1,450 points)
The crashing is getting out of hand now. I've been working for 3hours today and had 4 crashes.

•Disable a track CRASH

•Click on the browser button CRASH

•Open a plug window CRASH

•Drag a plug to a track CRASH

•Let the computer sleep CRASH

It's always something different.

Restarting doesn't help.

I do this for a living and have done for over 30 years. Never have I used a more buggy DAW than Studio One.

I have used it now for almost 4 years and it's always crashed a lot but I could always put up with it but version 5 is very unstable.

I have used S1 with 3 different computers. 2x MacbookPro's and now a iMac Pro. Perhaps it's more stable on Windows.

Hopefully there will be some fixes coming soon. This version is not useable for me in its current state.
+3 votes
answered Jul 30, 2020 by malleteer (1,180 points)
Me too.

Studio one 5 keeps on crashing . And now it even freezes when i try to open a recent file.Unuseable

Please fix this asap .

Amd 3900X 32GB Ram
+3 votes
answered Jul 30, 2020 by lucaspiedracueva (1,530 points)
8 times today.
Is impossible to work like that. And they have the super idea  that you can't open the session on version 4.
+3 votes
answered Aug 1, 2020 by Phil Buckle (1,450 points)
How could it be the plugins when they are the same ones that work with version 4?

Those plugins still work on version 4

I am on OSX so there is no J-Bridge.

Still crashing here.
+2 votes
answered Aug 1, 2020 by martinschenk1 (220 points)
i also have S1 V5 crashing everytime on startup

i also have S1 V4 installed on the same PC using the same third party plugins and it doesn't crash at all.

Please fix this **** it is really gross :X
+3 votes
answered Aug 1, 2020 by jamesfoxall (620 points)
Same for me - rock solid in v4 and the same project moved to v5 crashes constantly. :/
+5 votes
answered Aug 1, 2020 by fschmidt (6,230 points)

I have not yet upgraded, because the latest fix for 4.6 already didn't work out for me.
But allow me to say this:

Dear Presonus, as we have faith in your product, please have faith in your customers 
when they say: There are several things that have stopped working in version 5!

It's in the code. I'm sure it is. Even a genius makes mistakes sometimes. It's just natural.

Every programer knows better than me: A single typo bug can mess up things.

+2 votes
answered Sep 16, 2020 by Ahayes1 (310 points)
crashing more times a day than I care to count, even with the latest updates. 3rd party plugins are updated. Getting through a session is like grabbing a live wire, as is re-opening a crashed one. Made the mistake of transferring a client's tracks to V5, and I am now in regret city.

I have always love S1's workflow above all others, but this is getting to be too much for me.
+2 votes
answered Sep 16, 2020 by tobiasschmied (700 points)
Same here. Far, far, far away from having a stable workflow.

Haha, of course the PlugIns get blamed - but same plugins work in other daws i use, so whos fault is it?
+2 votes
answered Sep 18, 2020 by Fryd (220 points)
same here v5,2 crash many times on mac mini ,and i cant open my project crashes .
+2 votes
answered Nov 15, 2020 by metebator (190 points)
Same here. I can’t even get it to start. Just doesn’t work with my prism Lyra. The Lyra works with EVERY other DAW. Old projects don’t load up in v4, sometimes they do but sound garbled. V5 just doesn’t like the Lyra. It’s just a big buggy mess. Such a shame. A great DAW, once with the right vision, is now simply garbage because it doesn’t work. £1000 worth of audio interface? Nope. Won’t work on studio one! Will work on everything else though. No amount of troubleshooting has solved it for 4 years. At first it was simply an issue with bouncing - which I had a workaround for. Now v5 simply won’t recognise it. Game over presonus.
+2 votes
answered Dec 6, 2020 by dylanmartin12 (670 points)
I've been struggling with Studio One crashing /freezing since I got it about a month ago.It also doesn't seem to work with my Zoom L8 interface, Whenever I enable the Zoom the transport freezes forever every time.Completely unusable for audio recording as a result.
0 votes
answered Feb 7, 2021 by georgenext (8,670 points)
I'm trying so hard to use Studio One as my main DAW but it crashes really often as other have mentioned before. I'm on a OSX so windows users might be more lucky. I had the same problems with version 4 and the support weren't able to help me or even answer me if there is going to ever be a fix, they just said we will keep looking at it.

Cubase, Reaper and Pro Tools work seamlessly, and i can start, work and finish projects without any crashes. Same hardware same plug-ins sometimes the same project with Studio One, but Every move i make i'm so anxious working in studio one in case it crashes again.

Some days it seems to be working fine, until the disastrous moment after all that calmness which hits me hard.

Please presonus find a solution and make SO more stable in OSX i've seen many users having problems, i love studio one but i can't use it at the moment.
+1 vote
answered Oct 8, 2021 by jasonfaulkner1 (160 points)
5 crashes in literally 5 minutes using neutron elements ??
0 votes
answered Oct 9, 2021 by paulwhiting (160 points)
It's been constantly crashing for days now.

Add a new vst - Crash

Move an event - Crash

Go to split an even - Crash.

It's getting so bad that I'm scared of using it now.
0 votes
answered Feb 24, 2022 by stevedaymusic (960 points)
What Phil Buckle said is absolutely true regarding the computer sleep crash:  If Studio One is running and the computer goes to sleep on OSX Catalina (and perhaps other OSX versions as well), it will eventually crash and restart the computer.  This is 100% reproducible.  Also, I loaded Izotope Insight 2 on the master buss the other day and for a while it was working, then I closed the plugin window and a few minutes later opened it and Studio One crashed to the desktop.
0 votes
answered Mar 18, 2022 by stevemoone1 (180 points)
I recently updated  to Studio One Pro 5.5 it is Constantly freezing and will not play. Thankfully usually any hard work has been salvaged when restarted,   But it's very regular now and a big problem.