Questions & Answers

Is anyone having crashing and other issues with the latest update for studio one 5 pro sphere 5.02?

+3 votes
asked Sep 12, 2020 in Studio One+ by bridger (240 points)
Updated to 5.02 on 9/8/2020 and have not been able to use Studio One 5 Pro Sphere since. It crashes, freezes, occasionally opens but runs too fast. Sample rate in project is 44.1. Sample rate changes to 92.2 in setup page separate from Studio One. Also no sound. Everything worked fine before the update. I contacted support but their suggestions have not fixed the issues yet. Didn't get an answer today so I guess support is off for the weekend, so I wait.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 13, 2020 by blakealbinson (2,300 points)
I've been having occasional freezes with 5.02.
0 votes
answered Mar 11, 2021 by danaemmette (210 points)
No crashing,but Mute,and solo buttons are not working after update.
0 votes
answered Mar 26, 2021 by Mix77 (140 points)
edited Mar 26, 2021 by Mix77
Yes, I am having issues and it acts like a virus-type issue, but it's not. It seems to be a conflict issue that Presonus needs to address. I can't believe they didn't catch this before they released the update. Also, I cannot believe that PreSonus is ending all updates for V4 users. I mean I could understand if it was V1, V2, or V3 even but V4, seriously? Who does that? They just released V5 lol. This is discouraging.
0 votes
answered Apr 15, 2021 by samstewart6 (200 points)
Wouldn't it be nice if the fixed One 5 before abandoning One 4?