Questions & Answers

Audiobox USB won't initialise without pulling the usb cable first after universal control update

0 votes
asked Oct 17, 2020 in AudioBox USB by celticaster (160 points)

I have SO pro 4 (last version before the upgrade to 5)

Lenovo windows 10 all in one up to date.

I have an old AUDIObox usb - I recently updated the universal controller (because I had never done it before - I was on 2. something, it is now on the latest 3. something). After the update, the audio box was not recognized by my system or Studio One.

I unplugged it and restarted the pc etc - restarted SO and this time it was there - ok, no problem.

The issue now is that every time I turn on the PC, the audio goes (seemingly) through the audiobox usb, whether I am in SO or just on the pc generally (I use the audio box as my default sound card normally). but no sound comes out. If i then pull the usb cable from the back of the usb - the pc reverts to the built in Realtek card. As soon as I put the cable back into the audiobox - it springs back into life and is fine until I restart the pc. So something is causing it to not load/initialize on startup - any ideas?  many thanks


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 17, 2020 by wesleypeterson (21,050 points)

You can try downloading a new driver and uninstalling the current and reinstalling. If that doesn't work you can download the last 2... version or if you remember the version that worked use that one, uninstall the current one and reinstalling the downloaded one. - just pick your device, and click 'Show / Hide all downloads' and grab the older drivers there. Good luck.

0 votes
answered Oct 18, 2020 by celticaster (160 points)
thank you wesleypeterson