Questions & Answers

S1 crashing at the startup

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asked Nov 17, 2020 in Studio One 4 by primomirtidolenec (120 points)
Hi guys,le since I have some problems with the S1. With launching the app especially. The thing is when I try to open a scratch project, everything works fine. The S1 opens, all of the plugins will scan and load completely fine and I can work without a problem. But when I try to open few of my projects, where I have the recorded material (full band, party mixed with plugins already on the tracks), S1 crashes before opening.

What could be wrong?

This is the log:

2020/11/17 19:16:17.215 [Warning] (Studio One): UCNET:Enabled UDP multicast on official port 47809 (1 sockets)
2020/11/17 19:16:17.215 [Warning] (Studio One): UCNET:Local UDP port bound to 50711 (2 sockets)
2020/11/17 19:16:17.308 [Warning] (Studio One): UCNET:Adding server via UDP discovery : tcp 62313 udp 50712 (alive event)
2020/11/17 19:16:17.308 [Warning] (Studio One): UCNET:Server "Plug-in Scanner" (id = "{7B7E9825-1C14-497D-8A43-B53D706020D5}.12736") resolved at host "", tcp 62313 udp 50712
2020/11/17 19:16:17.336 [Warning] (Studio One): UCNET:Resolving hostname localhost...
2020/11/17 19:16:17.336 [Warning] (Studio One): UCNET:Connecting to localhost...
2020/11/17 19:16:19.464 [Warning] (remoteservice): UCNET:Started listening on TCP port 62316 (2 sockets)
2020/11/17 19:16:19.470 [Warning] (remoteservice): UCNET:Removing server via UDP discovery : tcp 62313 udp 50712 (leave event)
2020/11/17 19:16:19.470 [Warning] (remoteservice): UCNET:Server "Plug-in