Questions & Answers

Melodyne plugin not showing the vocal audio of the track in the melodyne screen

0 votes
asked Feb 9, 2021 in Studio One 5 by leenichols (180 points)
I have just migrated from my old iMac running High Sierra to a new iMac running Catalina 10.15.7 with Intel Core i5. I loaded Melodyne in to a vocal track in Studio One 5 Artist, the Melodyne window appears but the audio blobs are not showing. I'm using Melodyne 5 essentail I can load the standalone version and can import a vocal track in to it and it works ok.

This problem did not exist on my previous iMac where I was using the same version of Studio One 5 and Melodyne. My old iMac had 12gb of memory, the new one has 8gb and I'm awaiting extra memory to arrive.

Any ideas why Melodyne is not working in Studio One?

Many thanks if you can help

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Feb 9, 2021 by richardlederer1 (3,320 points)
selected Feb 9, 2021 by leenichols
Best answer
Did you try clicking the "Transfer" button in the top left corner of the Melodyne window? This should make the audio appear there. I had the same problem after switching from Reaper to Studio One because in Reaper the audio information appeared without any button click.