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USB "insert" functionality breaks when using NSB's

+4 votes
asked Aug 30, 2021 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by richardmurphy1 (410 points)
edited Aug 30, 2021 by richardmurphy1
This request is not so much for a new feature, as a request to fix an existing features compatibility with NSB's. Unfortunately, when I contacted PreSonus support to make them aware of the issue, they simply acknowledged that it didn't work and directed me to make a request here.

Existing Functionality: When a source is plugged into an analog port on a series 3 mixer you can set the "Input" to be "USB" and the "digital send source" to be "Analog". This results in the analog input being routed out of the USB send assigned to that channel and the channel can use a USB return as the source. This provides for a great LIVE insert functionality on every channel allowing for any channel to be routed thru additional processors in Studio One and returned to the board. (We have used this functionality for virtual amps, and a host of various plugins.)   

The Problem: Last year we made the choice to upgrade our system and retired the old analog snake in favor of a network of NSB's. Once we got them all installed we were horrified to discover that there is no way to pass an AVB input from a stage box out USB without consuming a channel just to make the pass and a second channel for the USB return audio. Not only does this waste channels on the board for basic audio routing tasks, but it is also a horrible workflow. Having to jump to a separate "passthrough" channel to adjust/set Preamp Gain is a nightmare.

Feature Request:

There are a few straightforward ways to address this in software.

The first and simplest would be to add a "Network" option to the existing "Digital" and "Analog" options for "Digital Send Source" in the channel setup. (Maybe I'm missing something but is there actually a legitimate use of the existing "Digital" option for "Digital Send Source" when Input is set to "USB" the result would be to take a USB input to the board and pass it back out it's USB send, I can't imagine anyone using this so maybe it's even easier than adding another option and the "Digital" option can just become "Network" when "Input" is "USB". But maybe I'm missing something and that would mess with someone else's workflow.)  This option would seem to be the logical direction and would "fix" the existing functionality loss when "upgrading" from analog snake to NSB's. It provides a clean and established workflow identical to the existing/lost functionality.

The other option would be to add the ability to route AVB to USB directly in digital patching. This would be significantly more capable and open up a number of alternate workflow possibilities and system functionalities, but the "Insert" functionality would be somewhat less "clean" and user friendly.

At this point I would be thrilled with either solution (or if the programmers are feeling ambitious maybe even both) as the dual channel work around is horrible.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Nov 2, 2021 by boriskreuer (900 points)

In addition to that: 

Existing Functionality: When a source is plugged into an analog port on a series 3 mixer you can set the "Input" to be "USB" and the "digital send source" to be "Analog". This results in the analog input being routed out of the USB send assigned to that channel and the channel can use a USB return as the source. 

It would be really great, if the mixer could remember about the setting of the "Digital Send Source Analog/Digital"-Button when switching between Analog and USB in the Input-Section. So it could act like kind of an Insert-Bypass-Switch, at the moment it's a good starting point for a digital feedback loop.
