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Anyone having playback issues on larger sessions?

+3 votes
asked Aug 10, 2023 in Studio One 6 by mikhailjohnson (260 points)
Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this, but it's been an issue since I've used Studio One.

When I press play Studio One will randomly only play back a portion of active tracks. For example, imagine a full song with drums, synths, bass, guitar, fx, etc. Every so often when I press play it will mute random tracks, but with with no mute button engaged. Usually pressing play again will trigger the tracks that didnt play, but sometimes it will take 3 or 4 attempts. During mixing I'm starting and stopping frequently, which is when this problem goes from an casual annoyance to infuriating.

- This is not a solo/mute issue, there's nothing automating the volume of the tracks and none of the plugins are in demo mode/randomly muting the sound for no reason

 - Most of the projects I work on are well over the 24 track count, usually between 40-80 tracks depending on the complexity of the song. I feel this, along with cpu hungry plugins, is playing a part in the issue

 - I'm on a m1 mac, 16gb ram. I wondered if ram limitations may be an issue but when I was working on my PC, which has 64gb, the same thing happened.

 - Although I store my drum samples on an external ssd, I save any wav samples used to the session, and all sessions are stored on the main ssd

 - The issue occurs wether studio one is the only program open or not

- I'm using an RME ADI-2 for my interface. Sample rate is 48k and Device Block Size is 1024 with Dropout Protection set to Maximum

I'll do my best to give more details on it, any feedback is appreciated!

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Aug 18, 2023 by himanshugarg1 (1,120 points)
I've had the issue since Ver 4.2.
I used to thing that it was a RAM issue, but it isn't. It happens only with audio files. Specially if there are multiple files on a single audio track.
0 votes
answered Sep 2, 2023 by mauroiuliano (3,690 points)
I just fixed a similar problem, although I am currently coming from Cubase and I need to see how it goes once the session gets crowded.
In the application folder select Studio one and press "command I", then flag "open with rosetta".
I guess they totally screwed up with m1