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Loading Parawave Rapid Into The Existing Project Gives Strange Results - It's Normal If I Start Fresh

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asked Dec 10, 2023 in Studio One+ by bobjohnson19 (270 points)
I have created a project as a tutorial for myself, and I deleted all the tracks when I ran into this issue, where Parawave Rapid is playing too quietly and making glitching (very minor) sounds instead of responding to my simple held MIDI key.  But even if I added a fresh Parawave Rapid into the same project (after removing every track) and loaded any of it's presets I continued to get this strange behavior.  So I basically ran out of things that I understood.  All the other synths were working fine, and Rapid wasn't using any additional CPU compared to them.  And Rapid loads fine in a fresh Studio One project, but loading it into THIS project with a fresh rebooting doesn't eliminate the issue, so I think it could be some configuration issue that happened in Studio One. But I think it's not track routing related because deleting all tracks didn't resolve it. When I reloaded Rapid into that Project it behaved the same - it was only axing the Studio One project and going fresh that restored things to normal functioning. (Sorry if I'm repeating myself over and over.)

The initial project was a test of Scaler 2 into Mai Tai and all worked as expected.  I then was trying out some other synths, including BX Oberhausen and Rapid.  Bx Oberhausen acting normally.

At first I thought Rapid was acting normally as well.  But the strange glitching continued so I became aware that this was not part of the preset.  I closed Studio One, and loaded Rapid, and that Rapid preset, into FL Studio.  All normal.  Then I loaded them into Studio One, fresh.  All normal.  So Then I opened that original project where I had the issue, and removed every thing.  Then I added Rapid.  (By itself).  Same issue.

Mystery to me.  Had it not just been a test it would be time consuming because I basically lost that entire project if I wanted to work with Rapid in it.  So this is disconcerting to not have a handle on what's going on.