Questions & Answers

How connect my Mackie MCU Pro

0 votes
asked Jul 9, 2016 in Studio One 3 by tknox (160 points)
Hello, here is my setup:

2013 MacBook Pro 15in

OS x 10.11.5

Studio One 3 - New User

Apogee Duet 2

Mackie MCU Pro v4.0.3

So I am brand new to Studio One 3 but not recording and setup. I have been a long time Logic Pro user and have my Mackie MCU Pro setup with Logic Pro x. The issue is when attempting to setup the Mackie MCU the port in and out don't show up but I don't have this issue with Logic.

How can this issue be resolved because I would love to use it?

Thank you for your response .


3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 13, 2016 by 1_Lyfe_0527 (2,090 points)
Do u have it in hui mode or mackie control? Does it even pull up when you and instrument/outboard midi devices?I had one for a while with studio one but went for the cs18

Edit - Seen your're on mac im pc but maybe i can still help
0 votes
answered Jul 13, 2016 by tknox (160 points)
Hello and yes I have done all those things and more...the MCU Pro USB v3.1 port does not show up when attempting to set it up.
0 votes
answered May 3, 2017 by 1_Lyfe_0527 (2,090 points)
Sounds like maybe a driver or the cable?It should pull up inside the drop down have you followed these steps?