Questions & Answers

Keyboard Support from Other DAWS

+5 votes
asked Dec 6, 2017 in Studio One 3 by davionbrown2 (860 points)
I love the initiative that you guys have taken to include keyboard shortcuts from other popular DAW's (Logic, Pro Tools, etc.) and I feel like it would benefit you to add the support of keyboard shortcuts from other DAW's, such as FL Studio and Ableton Live. Coming from both of these DAW's, the learning curve was not that big of a deal for me personally, but I imagine that making the ease in the transition to S1 would make it profitable for you. I seen another Thread floating around on the boards, and I would be more than happy to supply information on shortcuts for these Programs.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jan 17, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,590 points)
Best answer

That's a great idea. We've provided some solutions already yet there are many more DAWs as you've noted. 

Here's how you can do this yourself. 

In Studio One Keyboard Shortcuts, Studio One is already selected.

Click on Export and it will save it as a StudioOne.keyscheme file. 

Open up the directory where you saved it. 

Change the extension to .xml and use an XML editor or Notepad to edit the file. 

Then use the documentation from Ableton, FL Studio or (other DAW) to create your own mapping. 

Save it, rename the file to your DAW name and the extension so it reads like this: Ableton.keyscheme

Import it to Studio One and you're all set. 
