Questions & Answers

Can not update Faderport firmware to 1.45 via latest UC.

+23 votes
asked Jul 11, 2018 in FaderPort Classic by [email protected] (730 points)
I unplug USB connection : hold down REW,STOP and Record buttons : plug in USB and press OK on computer : get error code nr 0x8004005.

tried 2 diffrent mac with latest OS : same on both computers. cheers M

56 Answers

+1 vote
answered Dec 15, 2019 by tapanisiirtola (1,520 points)
12 / 15 / 2019. I tried the firmware again with my wife's laptop (Win10) and using the USB 2.0 port. Same error. It is time to admit that there is something wrong with your updater software? It's not a USB 2.0 port problem. I think I'll throw the Fadeport "Classic" to trash soon if there is no fix.
0 votes
answered Dec 21, 2019 by ronaldmiller6 (140 points)

No Firmware update needed.  See here

This worked for me and it installed in Logic Pro X automagicaly.  I was about to pop a cork!  

0 votes
answered Jun 4, 2020 by stevebraverman (150 points)
edited Jun 9, 2020 by stevebraverman
I tried using my old Macbook Air (USB 2.0 only) with macOS Sierra 10.12 and got the dreaded error code I tried both 2.0 ports using my 2.0 cable. I also tried connecting off an Apple USB 2.0 keyboard as someone else suggested, and that failed as well. I guess I'm stuck at v1.0 which seems to work fine with Pro Tools 12, but still...
Using Universal Control v3.2.1.57677

* Update, I was finally able to update to v1.45 using an Apple USB 2.0 keyboard connected off of my Macbook Pro. I had tried this with my Macbook Air and it failed (both Mac's are on Sierra 10.12.6) I have no idea what's different between the machines USB ports, but glad it finally worked. Presonus really needs to get it together, as it seems there are still many of these Faderport Classics out there.

I had also tried Windows 10 on a USB 2 port and the update failed.
+1 vote
answered Oct 13, 2020 by alanbroady (170 points)
Hi All,

Some new, more recent information on this (for Faderport classic) -

- At least on my system, FaderPort 1.0 firmware no longer works fully with Studio One latest version.

- The latest version of UC now does not recognise that FaderPort 1.0 requires an upgrade. Strange.

- Tried update with (an older version of) UC on my modern laptop, which has 2xUSB3.0 and 1xUSB2.0 ports. Failed. Yes, I know about USB 2.0 vs USB 3.0, I'm a professional IT engineer. Also tried with a USB 2.0 hub. Also failed. Of course, could be that there is some internal USB 3.0 hub, than then connects to an external USB 2.0, so this could all make sense.

- Tried the dedicated FaderPort firmware update prgram. Failed.

- Tried update with old version of UC and a very old laptop that predates USB 3.0. Worked.

So, the update is still possible IF you have an old copy of UC lying around AND you have an old enough computer somewhere.

Why does the latest version of UC not recognise that FaderPort needs updating? No idea.

By the way, I only looked for an update because some recent update to StudioOne no longer works with FaderPort firmware 1.0 entirely correctly (e,g, LEDs don't display, cannot change fader mode). The firmware update did solve this problem, so happy but it was all a lot more difficult to solve than it should have been :-)
0 votes
answered Sep 16, 2021 by woodforda (140 points)
Hi I also had this issue.  In my case easy to solve.  Hopefully this helps others..

I need to login is as my "Admin" user to run the firmware updates.  This worked immediately.  As my "normal" user it run as described... i.e. no error but no update either.  Signing in directly with the Admin user and then running the firmware updates works without issue.

I had a similar issue upgrading Studio One Artist => Professional (from Sphere) - even though the update prompts for my Admin user password etc (as windows 10 normal does) - it does not really work!

0 votes
answered Mar 10 by jeracravo (140 points)
Hey everyone,

Sorry for bringing this old thread back to life: I was able to update my FP Classic to FW1.45 using my friend's old 2010 MacMini, took a while but it went without issues.

Now, the unit still doesn't powers/moves the fader in Reaper (MacOS 12.x) in a MacBook Pro 14" with a USB3 hub.

Am I missing something?
