Questions & Answers

Using 2 macs to run a single instance of Studio one 4

0 votes
asked Dec 3, 2018 in Studio One 4 by ronherhuth (160 points)

I love Studio One 4 but I create complex tracks with multiple effects which after a certain point I start getting all sorts of dropouts, glitching etc. making production very challenging.

I am running on a macbook pro. It occurred to me I do have an slightly older iMac and I was wondering if there is a way to use the iMac to utilize the power/ram/storage of both Macs to power a single instance of Studio one?

Is this even a possibility?

I was hoping to not have to install two versions of Studio One and somehow link them...but managing plugins between the two machines would be a nightmare.

Any suggestions?



2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 4, 2018 by martyc1 (1,850 points)
I hate saying this because I am also on a mac. Need to jump back on a PC with higher base core speeds.  I have other reasons that will lead to my PC migration and it's not about gaming.  You can build a PC with 2 SSDs, 8 core overclocked Intel running at 4GHz plus, M2 storage, a higher performing video card, 32GB ram, for under 2K.  Where a mac trash can will run 4-5K and the iMac Pro will be over 10K.  Both with slower core speeds.

Are you bouncing everything to audio?
0 votes
answered Dec 4, 2018 by ronherhuth (160 points)
It is too early in the production to bounce to audio tracks. I mean I have only four tracks and my cpu is pegged in the red. I guess I will go back to Abelton.