Questions & Answers

Quantum 2: Only One ADAT Output in Windows?

0 votes
asked Mar 31, 2019 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by mk113 (160 points)

I am trying to get multiple Windows programs that don't support ASIO to send audio to different ADAT outputs on my Quantum 2.

Since they don't support ASIO, these programs only see the WDM outputs, but in Windows only ADAT OUT 1/2 (out of the 16) are available as an output option in control panel.

Is there a way to expose/add the rest of the ADAT OUT channels as separate WDM outputs?  OS is Windows 10 x64.

I've checked settings in UC but in options it shows "WDM Setup is not available for the connected devices"

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 11, 2019 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer
WDM Support for Quantum is limited to 1 ADAT Set of Outputs

To get full I/O you'll need to use ASIO

We will consider this a feature request for WDM Support for both ADAT Outputs.