Questions & Answers

BUG - Bluecat Audio Patchwork VST3 does not activate extra outputs - works in Cubase

0 votes
asked Nov 20, 2019 in Studio One 4 by Nip (3,260 points)
edited Nov 20, 2019 by Nip

Load Instrument track with Bluecat Patchwork synth(this is version 2.41 as latest)

Go to console, show Instruments column

Click on row to fold down outputs

All listed as they should total 8

Main is checked and shown

Outputs Aux 1 to Aux 7 checkboxes are shown but no channels are added if checked.

Neither is anything shown in Inspector if you fold down to associate an output - just the default main.

All boxes checked.

In Cubase Pro 9.5.40 this works just fine with VST3 version.

I also have Patchwork v1.x where I stayed on VST2 version installed and that works too,

It's just something missing in StudioOne 4.5.5 to activate outs in VST3, and earlier too, bought 4.1 a year ago.

It's Windows 7 Pro x64 everything.

Also got confirmation from niles here, works in Bitwig as well and not StudioOne

Would be good if fixed, thanks.
