I purchased the new M-Audio Oxygen Pro 61 keyboard controller and am now working on getting all the sync-ups to work. First, you have to register the keyboard controller and enter code you are given. Download any software regarding this.
Next, go to: https://m-audio.com/kb/article/1935, on the M-Audio website. This has some information that helps get some things connected and working. Of course, before attempting any connection, you must hook up the keyboard using the USB cord and also a midi connection cable, if connecting through an interface.
Use the keyboard's DAW Select button, holding it down a moment, and the turn the "Push to Enter" knob (just down and to the right of the DAW Select button) until the lit window screen displays "Studio One". Then, push the "Push to Enter" button. This does connect your keyboard to the Studio One software and you should see your keyboard listed when you go to add a "New Keyboard".
Code Keyboard Setup
First, we want to assign your Code transport to send as Mackie. This is basically a control language that will allow us to set up the controls of the keyboard without any mapping files or individually learning the functions. Here's how:
- Hit the EDIT button on your Code, located directly below the display
- Hold down the SHIFT button and hit the C# key labeled "MACKIE/HUI" until the display reads "Mackie"
- Release the SHIFT button
Your transport should now be sending as Mackie.
To allow some flexibility, the knobs, faders, and assignable buttons can send as MIDI CC, Mackie/HUI, or HID, but for our purposes with Studio One, we want to set these to send as Mackie/HUI. Each bank of parameters will have a "Mode" button that will change colors based on the mode the parameters are set to. Simply, hit each mode button until it lights up green. The screen should read "MACHUI" to confirm." (from the M-Audio website information)
If you have already selected the "DAW", as described above, on the keyboard controller, then when you open Studio One, or close it and reopen it, Studio One will recognize "Oxygen Pro 61" - although it will not be listed in the suggested items list. Then, after reading the M-Audio info - I created "New Keyboard" for each of these, which I found in "Add ...", and then "New Keyboard", and the open the "M-Audio" choice:
1) Mackie Control, 2) Mackie Control Extender or Controle Extender, 3) HUI or Mackie HUI
The system gives directions for the Mackie Control, telling you to select "MIDIIN3" for Input and Output, so I used the "MIDIIN 2" and "MIDIIN 4" for the other two.
I have the keyboard controller connected to the DAW, and also have the first 5 sliders working as Volume faders for 5 separate tracks in my song, in correct order, and also the "Stop", "Go", and "Record" buttons work. I haven't checked the rest, yet. Working my way through!